Dimar 以色列总部
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dimar专业制造高品质的T·C·T 合金木工刀具,产品广泛应用于从大型木工业到小型木器作坊和手工艺人的使用。dimar公司从1960年创立以来积累了大量经验和技术诀窍。这一切使dimar被公认为当今木工刀具行业的领导品牌。dimar的产品如今被销往超过44个国家。

dimar specializes in the manufacture of high-quality tungsten carbide woodworking tools for the woodworking industry, workshops and craftspeople. dimar was founded in 1960 and over the years has accumulated vast experience and technological know-how. It is now recognized as one of the leading companies in its field。 dimar products are distributed and sold in 44 different countries.

版权所有:以色列大马有限公司中国总部·上海中华人民共和国互联网网站备案登记号:20070214号 技术支持:华企资讯